Welcome to the Faculty of Engineering
The Faculty of engineering – Port Said University seeks to be a remarkable faculty in engineering sciences to cope with scientific and technological updates and contributes to the society.

The mission of our faculty is to provide an educational, research and community service that keeps pace with the successive developments in the field of engineering sciences. This mission pays attention to scientific research activities to serve the surrounding community and promoting community participation and community development.

i. Innovation and Competence in the labor market
ii. Postgraduate and research studies
iii. Contribute to the society
iv. Effective administrative and technical body
v. Accreditation and sustainable development
The faculty was established as the Higher Institute for Industry in 1961 till the republic decree No 156 issued in February 24, 2010 to transfer Port Said branch into the University of Port Said, hence then, it was named as the Faculty of Engineering- Port Said University.